Yearling Sales
At the yearling sales trainers, owners, pinhookers and bloodstock agents are all striving to buy quality racehorses. A majority of buyers are looking for value; trying to buy horses that have the potential to perform over and above their purchase price. With thousands of lots available for consideration, pre-sales homework and preparation is vital to enable time to ensure that time – a scarce resource at the yearling sales - is spent evaluating the most suitable lots.
We offer a unique yearling sales service that helps buyers assess pedigrees, identify value lots and save time with pre-sales preparation.
Pedigree Ratings
We have a proprietary pedigree model which assigns an expected rating to each lot based upon its pedigree.
Ratings include information from both the sire and distaff side of each pedigree.
Our research gives us a unique insight into the relative importance of the various aspects of a pedigree.
We've considered many questions in our analysis, for example:
How important is dam ability?
What weight should be applied to 1st, 2nd and 3rd dam information?
Do older mares deliver quality offspring?
Which is best, the 1st, 2nd or 3rd foal out of a dam?
These questions and many others are answered within our pedigree model.
Identifying Value
We've examined at the relationship between price and subsequent ability at the yearling sales and have identified a number of important drivers of value at the sales.
We classify sires into various Value groups, focusing on sires where prices are out of kilter with the performance of the sires progeny on the track.
We identify lots with distaff side pedigrees that are typically neglected by the market, but have the potential to produce superior racehorses.
We identify consignors that have noteworthy track records.
We combine the different sources of Value, with each lot receiving a Value Rating on a scale of 0 to 5.
Time Saving
Pre-sales catalogue analysis is time consuming. Our service saves buyers time by carrying out a substantial part of the groundwork.
This enables buyers to focus on lots that have the potential to outrun their potential purchase price.
Our service is available as hard copy and an App with search and sort facility by sire, damsire and each of our Value characteristics.
Client List
Client references are available on request.